Oxford English Grammar Course: Advanced with Answers CD-ROM Pack

Oxford English Grammar Course Basic and Intermediate are revisions and expansions of the highly successful Good Grammar Book and How English Works. The Advanced level is completely new, and includes grammar for reading, writing and speaking

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Oxford English Grammar Course: Advanced with Answers CD-ROM Pack

Overview of Oxford English Grammar Course: Advanced. With Answers CD-Rom Pack Book

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发展汉语高级口语二 = Developing Chinese: Advanced speaking course II


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发展汉语:高级口语 I 第二版 = Developing chinese: Advanced speaking course I


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发展汉语:高级听力 I (共两册) 第二版 = Developing Chinese: Advanced listening course I. Exercises and activities

《發展漢語·中級聽力》的晉級餃接教材,適合學過《發展漢語·. 能就常見話題與他人進行溝通和交流,能進行一般性的敘述、說明和議論的漢語學習者使用。

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发展汉语:高级阅读 I 第二版 = Developing Chinese: Advanced reading course I


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发展汉语:高级听力 I (共两册) 第二版 = Developing Chinese: Advanced listening course I. Scripts and answers

发展汉语第二版课本是在原老版本的基础上进行了全面的修订和改版,继承了原版的良好架构,各个课型都齐备,同时也超过了原版在课文设计和练习上精益求精。 本套教材的总体目标是全面发展和提高学习者的汉语语言能力、汉语交际能力、汉语综合运用能力和汉语学习兴趣、汉语学习能

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高级汉语阅读教程 Ⅰ(Advanced Chinese Reading Course I ) = Đọc tiếng Trung nâng cao tập 1


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Glencoe accounting: Real - world applications & connections Advanced course. Fourth Edition

This completely revised accounting program gives students the latest content and introduces the most exciting technology¿all designed to connect accounting to the real world of business. Students will be introduced to the real world of accounting software through the integration of Peachtree throughout the text as an essential part of this program. Software tutorial directions are included at the point of instruction for each application. Optional Glencoe Integrated Accounting software with templates is also available.

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Glencoe accounting: Real - world applications & connections Advanced course

Accounting: Real World Applications and Connections, First Year: Teachers Wraparound Edition (Glencoe Accounting:) ASIN: 0078460972

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